Surface Nanostudy With Gravity Levitation Benefit
2024 - ended
Astrobotic Peregrine Lunar Lander
SNWGLB - Surface Nanostudy With Gravity Levitation Benefit
SNWGLB is a small art payload as part of the DHL Moonbox initiative.
The payload was installed on Astrobotic's Lunar Lander, and was launched into space on the Peregrine Mission One on January 8th 2024.
The mission ended on January 18th when the Peregrine spacecraft re-entered Earth's atmosphere.
SNWGLB was originally created in 2020 and is The Spacecraft Agency's second art payload that was sent to space.

Luke Idziak
Curator, artist, spacecraft systems designer, USA
SNWGLB is a small art payload as part of the DHL Moonbox initiative.
The payload was installed on Astrobotic's Lunar Lander, and was launched into space on the Peregrine Mission One on January 8th 2024.
The mission ended on January 18th when the Peregrine spacecraft re-entered Earth's atmosphere.
SNWGLB was originally created in 2020 and is The Spacecraft Agency's second art payload that was sent to space.
Resin container, foil, dust particles.
+/- 10 x 10 x 5 mm

Thank you:
Astrobotic Peregrine 1 Mission
Peregrine Mission 1 was to be the first time an American company sent a spacecraft to the moon — and the first time the U.S. returned to the lunar surface in more than 50 years.
Peregrine Mission One is the first successful launch under NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative. The mission is delivering scientific instruments and payloads to the Moon’s Gruithuisen Domes region. The NASA instruments aboard Peregrine will help NASA prepare for the Artemis program’s missions to enable a sustained human presence on the Moon.
Peregrine is carrying a total of 20 payloads from seven nations and 16 commercial customers. The payloads come from space agencies, universities, companies, and individuals across the globe. This includes the first lunar surface payloads from the Mexican and German space agencies, and the first lunar payloads from the countries of the United Kingdom, Hungary, and Seychelles. One of the payloads, DHL MoonBox, contains mementos and messages from around the world.
Due to a propellant leak, Peregrine 1 was unable to complete its lunar landing mission and reentered Earth's atmosphere on January 18.